Love, Joy, Peace...
Random Acts of Kindness Challenge [Download Today]

Can you be kind to your neighbor?

It can be easy to feel jaded and skeptical these days due to so many insensitive actions in the world. Sometimes it seems as if there are more trophies for being labeled as a "mean girl" or bad boy" instead of showing kindness. However, as Believers we are reminded of our greater commitment to show the love of Christ to all that  might be different from the status quo. Jesus invites us to participate in the beloved community when he responds to the rude Pharisee: 

 ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matt. 22:39)

What would it look like if we were intentional in how we show our love through our kindness. Can you randomly be a blessing in someone's life. This isn't about getting a pat on the back or receiving likes on social media. Offering kindness randomly will call you to be aware of who is around you and to listen for how you may be able to meet someone's need. This is what the church is called to do. 

We are challenging you to do Random Acts of Kindness for the next 100 days. Hopefully, it will light a fire that makes this a part of your daily lives. A random act can be as simple as a smile, a text to an old friend, a call to co-worker, or paying for the coffee of the driver behind you at Starbucks. Whatever it is, do it, then reflect. This is a ministry that can all ages can participate. We have created a Random Acts of Kindness kit that you can download and use as a guide. 

Let's go and be the church that's kind. 


Chappelle Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church
1101 Pine Street, Columbia, SC 29205
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